Wednesday, April 26, 2017

4/26/2017 Blog #25

this week we focused on our third paper and printing the remaining fatter U-brackets. Jez's 3D printer stopped working because of the thermistors and so we purchased a set. It will come in by tomorrow. We only need to print three more, but are unsure if we still need more PLA. If we don't, we will be cutting it very close.
In the coming weeks, we will be working on the final presentation on May 12. Since the track is done (for the most part) and not broken, we have no plans to do anything else to it, other than switch out the weaker U-brackets.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

4/19/2017 Blog #24

this week we finished our presentation and reassembled the track on Wednesday. We did it fairly quickly. The reassembling process takes about an hour and a half. We discussed some future changes we wanted to make to the brackets and track. Also, we will be documenting our receipts to give to the A.S. to get refunded for.

We did not do much since the track is finished and meets the requirements of the other teams. For this coming week, we will be slotting holes in the vertical posts and figuring out a way to create a ramp for the bogie to enter the track more smoothly. We've come up with one design so far but it would require a different set of bolts which is not preferred. As you can see below, it acts as a shoe that we could slip on, but the issue is once again, the different set of bolts (longer) which makes it annoying. We also might need more PLA since we will be printing out several more of the wider brackets to replace the U-brackets at locations that create more strain.

Monday, April 10, 2017

4/12/2017 Blog #23

This week, we wrapped up the entire second track. We filed a bunch of stuff, drilled a bunch of holes, welded back a bunch of pieces, etc. We finished it for Paseo Prototyping Festival and our exhibit was successful. There were some issues but we fixed them along the way. We did most of the presentation #2, which will be completed by Wednesday (today is Monday).

After the second presentation, we will finally have some breathing room and can start working on tiny modifications and additions to better our track for future usage. We will be assembling the track so that other teams could add more stuff or test their components. We will also be creating a few slots in the vertical posts and adding a tiny ramp to the entrances of the two rails for smoother interactions between bogie and track.

After all of this hard work, we all obtained a better understanding of time management with respect to the physical labor, time, communication, and teamwork it took to complete the project.

Monday, April 3, 2017

4/3/2017 Blog #22 **Most recommended blog to read for future teams**

this week I came into the Design Center: Sunday 10 AM-5 PM, Tuesday 4-7 PM, Thursday 4-8:30 PM. I grinded out a lot of the welds because the bogie's bearings got stuck wherever there were welds. I drilled and countersunk an innumerable amount of holes into the second track. I measured, scored, and cut a bunch of aluminum pieces to fit the new corners. I grinded a bunch of rough/dangerous surfaces. I did a bunch of test-runs with the bogie to check tolerances and smoothness. Honestly, it has been one huge blur and I can't remember every specific thing I did to tabulate properly. However, my advice to next year's team would be to try assembling and disassembling once in the beginning of the semester just to get an idea of how long/inconvenient the process is. The physical aspect takes WAY longer than expected and I do not know how to emphasize that anymore than I already am.